Here it is straight from Sacha Dunable the Blogronaut.
"I have been writing and recording songs with my friends from the band National Sunday Law. We'll announce more details on this as things come together, but we have about 25 minutes of music so far."
It's true. We tracked drums for 5 songs yesterday. Like he said, more details tba.
If you haven't heard of these shows it's time to start up your torrent searches and update your Netflix queue's.
Trailer Park Boys
I heard about this show from The Life and Times when they came through town a while back. It's a Canadian show on Showcase, it's filmed like a documentary which makes the show feel very personal like you're watching home video of Sunnyvale trailer park. The show mainly follows Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles. Three lovable stoned drunk losers who are always plotting the next "big dirty", one final scam that will make them enough cash to retire, buy the trailer park and get rid of trailer park supervisor Jim Leahy. These guys love kitties, Rush, pepperoni, chicken chips, piss jugs, and getting fucked up. Almost every season starts with them getting out of jail and ends with them going back in. One season Julian makes 8 grand selling potato vodka to all the other prisoners and guards. In season 5 the boys steal a ton of hash and hide it right out in the open by rolling it out on their driveway.
Alex (who recorded our full length) found this one and passed it along to me. This show is on BBC3 and is still on, season 6 starts in Spring 2010. Much like TPB it's an ensemble cast show that mostly centers around weed. The entire show (with very few exceptions) takes place in Moz's apartment. Moz is a weed dealer and his best friend, and supplier, PC is a cop. With characters named Psycho Paul, Cartoon Head, and Stemroach you can't go wrong.
Breaking Bad
I don't remember how I heard about this show but it's on AMC. Another drug related show but this one is much more of a dark drama than a comedy, although it can be pretty funny at times. Brian Cranston (you may remember him as the dad on Malcolm in the Middle) is fucking amazing. he plays Walter, a 50 year old chemistry teacher who just found out that he has inoperable lung cancer, an unexpected child on the way and nothing to leave his wife and son who has CP. He decides to use his chemistry skills and an ex student to cook and sell crystal meth to make money to pay for his treatments and leave his family. oh yeah, his brother in law is a DEA agent.
I think everybody knows about this show by now. Serial Killer stuff is always interesting to me. Each season gets better than the last. Don't waste your time on the books, the show is much better.
South Park
These guys are still making great episodes! I love how topical they are and how there's almost always a rational lesson to be learned. One of my personal favorites and probably the darkest episode is #69 "Scott Tenorman Must Die", not because Radiohead is in it but because of the cannibalism and the pure evil in Cartman. I've never been a fan of the first 3 seasons but I think I'll give them a try again soon because you can watch all that shit for free at gotta love that.
Other shows you might have missed:
- Eastbound and Down
- I'm Alan Partridge
- Lucky Louie
Next on my list:
- The Wire
by: Derek
Trailer Park Boys
I heard about this show from The Life and Times when they came through town a while back. It's a Canadian show on Showcase, it's filmed like a documentary which makes the show feel very personal like you're watching home video of Sunnyvale trailer park. The show mainly follows Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles. Three lovable stoned drunk losers who are always plotting the next "big dirty", one final scam that will make them enough cash to retire, buy the trailer park and get rid of trailer park supervisor Jim Leahy. These guys love kitties, Rush, pepperoni, chicken chips, piss jugs, and getting fucked up. Almost every season starts with them getting out of jail and ends with them going back in. One season Julian makes 8 grand selling potato vodka to all the other prisoners and guards. In season 5 the boys steal a ton of hash and hide it right out in the open by rolling it out on their driveway.
Alex (who recorded our full length) found this one and passed it along to me. This show is on BBC3 and is still on, season 6 starts in Spring 2010. Much like TPB it's an ensemble cast show that mostly centers around weed. The entire show (with very few exceptions) takes place in Moz's apartment. Moz is a weed dealer and his best friend, and supplier, PC is a cop. With characters named Psycho Paul, Cartoon Head, and Stemroach you can't go wrong.
Breaking Bad
I don't remember how I heard about this show but it's on AMC. Another drug related show but this one is much more of a dark drama than a comedy, although it can be pretty funny at times. Brian Cranston (you may remember him as the dad on Malcolm in the Middle) is fucking amazing. he plays Walter, a 50 year old chemistry teacher who just found out that he has inoperable lung cancer, an unexpected child on the way and nothing to leave his wife and son who has CP. He decides to use his chemistry skills and an ex student to cook and sell crystal meth to make money to pay for his treatments and leave his family. oh yeah, his brother in law is a DEA agent.
I think everybody knows about this show by now. Serial Killer stuff is always interesting to me. Each season gets better than the last. Don't waste your time on the books, the show is much better.
South Park
These guys are still making great episodes! I love how topical they are and how there's almost always a rational lesson to be learned. One of my personal favorites and probably the darkest episode is #69 "Scott Tenorman Must Die", not because Radiohead is in it but because of the cannibalism and the pure evil in Cartman. I've never been a fan of the first 3 seasons but I think I'll give them a try again soon because you can watch all that shit for free at gotta love that.
Other shows you might have missed:
- Eastbound and Down
- I'm Alan Partridge
- Lucky Louie
Next on my list:
- The Wire
by: Derek
We had every intention of doing our final mix down of the EP yesterday but Pro Tools didn't feel the same. For some unknown reason most of our audio files got corrupted, but have no fear we were smart enough to make a backup, but that was months ago thus all of our mixing progress is gone. Josh is starting new mixes and hopefully it wont take too long to build them back up again.
The end of the year.
Here are my thoughts on the music I absorbed this year in no particular order, after Irepess. Irepress is absolutely my favorite band of the year, their latest record Sol Eye See I blew me away, it's a perfect album from start to finish. Lush guitars, incredible rhythm section, long songs, short songs, soft, heavy, occasional gang vocals, synths and samples from the The Goonies, it takes you everywhere you can imagine and beyond.
I listened the shit out of Gojira this year. I like all of their records and I think each is better than the last. I recommend you pick up the Link Alive DVD, the live versions of songs from The Link and Terra Incognitia are much better than the album versions. I watched it several times over the summer. A great band to listen to on my bike.
Another great band to listen to on my bike is Supercontinent. Saw Her Ghost hooked us up with their catalog when they added us to the roster and this disc was first to go on my iPod after hearing the track "Cataclysms" on myspace. Thick sludgy metal! definitely my favorite SHG release. Too bad they broke up.
2 local bands that have become my favorites to play shows with are Exhausted Prayer and Solar Wimp. I've never seen a drummer play as fast as EP's Mike Caffell in person, and on top of that he does a good share of the vocals. Unfortunately their recordings thus far don't do them much justice but trust me they're a progressive death metal bullet train with pot smoking hippies at the controls. I hear they'll have a new album soon and it sounds amazing.
Solar Wimp get better and better and every time I see them which isn't as often as it should be. I once described them to a friend as discordant spazz punk. At times they remind me of The Dismemberment Plan or Jawbox, very angular and smooth at the same time. The last few times I've seen them they played some newer tunes where Jeremy was starting to scream more... "Yes, they're getting pissed" about what I don't know but I love it. Their EP is a 5 song 11 minute joyride that I always listen to at least twice, it's just that good.
After making a list I realized that I didn't listen to very many 2009 releases this year... I could go on and on, maybe I'll do a part 2... just check out these bands too, I spent a significant amount of time listening to each of them.
Do Make Say Think
Mouth Of The Architect
Riddle Of Steel
by: Derek
I listened the shit out of Gojira this year. I like all of their records and I think each is better than the last. I recommend you pick up the Link Alive DVD, the live versions of songs from The Link and Terra Incognitia are much better than the album versions. I watched it several times over the summer. A great band to listen to on my bike.
Another great band to listen to on my bike is Supercontinent. Saw Her Ghost hooked us up with their catalog when they added us to the roster and this disc was first to go on my iPod after hearing the track "Cataclysms" on myspace. Thick sludgy metal! definitely my favorite SHG release. Too bad they broke up.
2 local bands that have become my favorites to play shows with are Exhausted Prayer and Solar Wimp. I've never seen a drummer play as fast as EP's Mike Caffell in person, and on top of that he does a good share of the vocals. Unfortunately their recordings thus far don't do them much justice but trust me they're a progressive death metal bullet train with pot smoking hippies at the controls. I hear they'll have a new album soon and it sounds amazing.
Solar Wimp get better and better and every time I see them which isn't as often as it should be. I once described them to a friend as discordant spazz punk. At times they remind me of The Dismemberment Plan or Jawbox, very angular and smooth at the same time. The last few times I've seen them they played some newer tunes where Jeremy was starting to scream more... "Yes, they're getting pissed" about what I don't know but I love it. Their EP is a 5 song 11 minute joyride that I always listen to at least twice, it's just that good.
After making a list I realized that I didn't listen to very many 2009 releases this year... I could go on and on, maybe I'll do a part 2... just check out these bands too, I spent a significant amount of time listening to each of them.
Do Make Say Think
Mouth Of The Architect
Riddle Of Steel
by: Derek
Update Nov. 2009
Is anybody even reading this?
I can't believe it's already November.
- We're on round 5 of the EP mixes, one more mix at NRG and I think we're really almost done. Josh Newell has been doing an incredible job engineering and mixing. We're still not sure who will master it but we have a few options. We also have yet to find an artist so if you're interested email us.
- We recently played shows with Dysrhythmia and Exhausted Prayer. Both were pretty fucking rad if you ask us, thanks to all of you who came out. If you are not familiar with those bands you're seriously missing out.
- We've started booking our March 2010 Tour, more on that soon.
- An Awesome dude named Ryan is helping us release "La Storia di Cannibali" on vinyl! Yes vinyl. more on that soon too.
- In other news we're getting back to writing with our side project this week. We'll have an official announcement as soon as we have a name and maybe some demos to share with you.
- I (Derek) have been training for a 100 mile bike ride inspired by Aaron Harris of Isis. Eventually I'll start to post my routes, what I listened to and what I ate. this past Sunday I did 42.65 miles from my house by LAX to Palos Verdes then into Culver City via La Ballona Creek and back home to LAX. I Listened to Isis, Jeniferever, Between the Buried and Me, The Red Chord, and Pelican. I'm riding a Surly Steamroller fixed gear.
check our myspace for shows. there are a few coming up.
I can't believe it's already November.
- We're on round 5 of the EP mixes, one more mix at NRG and I think we're really almost done. Josh Newell has been doing an incredible job engineering and mixing. We're still not sure who will master it but we have a few options. We also have yet to find an artist so if you're interested email us.
- We recently played shows with Dysrhythmia and Exhausted Prayer. Both were pretty fucking rad if you ask us, thanks to all of you who came out. If you are not familiar with those bands you're seriously missing out.
- We've started booking our March 2010 Tour, more on that soon.
- An Awesome dude named Ryan is helping us release "La Storia di Cannibali" on vinyl! Yes vinyl. more on that soon too.
- In other news we're getting back to writing with our side project this week. We'll have an official announcement as soon as we have a name and maybe some demos to share with you.
- I (Derek) have been training for a 100 mile bike ride inspired by Aaron Harris of Isis. Eventually I'll start to post my routes, what I listened to and what I ate. this past Sunday I did 42.65 miles from my house by LAX to Palos Verdes then into Culver City via La Ballona Creek and back home to LAX. I Listened to Isis, Jeniferever, Between the Buried and Me, The Red Chord, and Pelican. I'm riding a Surly Steamroller fixed gear.
check our myspace for shows. there are a few coming up.
FREE Downloads
Now you can download a few tracks from our album "La Storia di Cannibali" FREE -
If you like 'em please buy a CD or T-shirt at our online store -
New EP coming soon! plus March 2010 Tour and more info tba soon.
Do you want to release "La Storia di Cannibali" on Vinyl? email us.
If you like 'em please buy a CD or T-shirt at our online store -
New EP coming soon! plus March 2010 Tour and more info tba soon.
Do you want to release "La Storia di Cannibali" on Vinyl? email us.
La Storia di Cannibali

Also on iTunes, Amazon and Rhapsody

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